Friday, March 5, 2010

Critique 1

The picture I am critquing is a photograph called The Miracle on Ice. The picture was taken by Heinz Kluetmeier. The subject matter in the picture is a celebrating hockey team. I beleive the phtographer did a good job of capturing the moment, and you get a real sense that the team is genuinly happy.

Many princiapls of art can be found in the picture. One of which is the balance of light colors on the bottom and the dark colors on the top. There's also an allusion to the team being succesful based on the celebrating. Another element in the picture is the audience in the field on picture, and the team being the focal point. I think the picture tells a narrative that this etam is victorious and trimpuhed against the odds. There is an emphasis on the team making you less likely to look at the crowd and more at the team. There is a nice harmony between te darker elements and the lighter ones with dark up top and light down bottom. There is a contrast between in light between the corwd and the players. There is a high light value on the bottom and low light value up top. There is also a highlight on the players on the ice making them stand out more than the crowd. Those are some principals of art you can find within the picture.

The focal point of the picture is the three hockey players next to the boards hugging, and one of them has his stick up. This picture tells a very clear and obvious narrative of success and hardwork. This team has struggled against the odds to acheive their goal. Through determination and teamwork they have succeeded.

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